Sunday, December 18, 2011

DIY Christmas Part Deaux

:) Merry Christmas from Molly and Me!

To continue my DIY (on a budget) Christmas blogging, let's move onto my test runs and LEARNING HOW TO SEW!!!!  YAAAAY!  Haha, I feel silly saying that I'm *just* now learning at 26...but at least I could always sew my buttons back on.  :)  So I started with this here scarf because 1. I'd already bought the t-shirts, and 2. I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted my mom and I to have some crafty time this weekend.  Which, thankfully, we did (and had a blast).

Here are my steps, which is by no means a tutorial...just me showing my progress to y'all.  :)

Sidenote:  I decided to go with only one "braid" or "knot" b/c the t-shirts were a little on the thicker side, making the braid look a little wonky.  I'm pretty excited about how this turned out, anyway.

Shout out to the momz! (She was working on my "crescent santa" sweatshirt in the picture - we matched today)

Now, once I was finished with the yellow and gray scarf, I wanted to practice my newly found skillz with another beautiful scarf tutorial.  Real quick, a HUGE thank you to the two ladies who posted both of their "how-to's" - they were wonderful and I can't wait to make more!

(Notice the hand on my hip, indicating my pride in what I'd just accomplished, lol)


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