...to posting Christmas gifts. Sheesh! It took a sick day (or two) for me to sit down and write. Or at least upload pictures. :) Here we go:
Now, I know I didn't "make" this gift, but I did take photos at my nephew's 1st birthday and print them out for lots of family. This one is pretty special, since it was my nephew holding on to my dad and watching him play guitar... as my dad said, it made his Christmas. :)
And obviously this one is a gift for myself :-) --- Oh, sweet Molly.
This was for my (music teacher) cousin, just a little vase.
What a sweet frame :-) (yes, that's me in there)
And a sweet little vase for my math teacher Mama.
That's not everything, but I think it covers a majority of it (plus I didn't get photos of everything). I really enjoyed getting to see reactions to the things I'd made from my heart. Definitely doing this again.